What is JusProg Consent?

In Germany, children are only allowed to “sign contracts” themselves on the internet from the age of 16, i.e. give consent e.g. to data processing, general terms and conditions and personalised advertising – this is called “digital maturity” (minimum age for digital consent). In other EU countries, other age levels apply.

With JusProg Consent, parents can give their consent in a simple and digital way when required by law.

Our Parental Consent service also works when children are at home on their smartphones or computers and parents are at work, for example.

JusProg Consent is part of the EU-funded euCONSENT project.

How it works

JusProg Consent works completely digitally: when children are asked for “parental consent” on a website, have JusProg Consent send the parents an email asking for consent. JusProg Consent verifies the parents within a few minutes. Afterwards, the parents can give consent in a questionnaire or refuse completely or for individual questions.

JusProg Consent is free of charge for children and parents.

JusProg Consent is a pilot application within the euCONSENT project.

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